Europe and International Relations

CERVIA a City open to the world

The City of Cervia has always been a city that interacts with the world and not just for tourist reasons, but to understand other cultures and to grow into a dimension in which its citizens feel citizens of Europe and of the world.
Cervia has always promoted policies to expand and strengthen the friendship and cooperation among the cities, promoting a culture of peace. Together with several Countries and thanks to important events and European projects, the City has been repeatedly protagonist of an experience of human, cultural, social and environmental growth, in which they have perceived with deep intensity the extraordinary opportunity to "be international".

International relations and participation in European projects represent for the local administration an opportunity for comparison with similar realities, with the awareness that the exchange of good practices can encourage the improvement of the offered services and make them more responsive to the needs expressed by the local community.

The Municipality of Cervia is a member of AICCRE (Italian Section of the Council and of the Regions of Europe). Through this organization Cervia actively participates in training and information sessions on European issues, contributing to disseminate also at local level initiatives, events and information on the themes of Europe and and the relations between the peoples.

Finally, the Municipality of Cervia is a member of several European organizations and networks, taking actively part into their activities, like SERN (Sweden Emilia-Romagna Network) and EFUS (European Forum for Urban Security).


 Twinning and European Policies Unit
Piazza Pisacane, 2
48015 Cervia (RA) – Italy

 Simona Melchiorri
 Tel.  0544-979343

 Simone Vitali
 Tel.  0544-979336

 Bruna Rondoni
 Tel. 0544-979275


The Twinning and European Policies Unit deals with the promotion and management of international relations and twinning, including the organization of events and initiatives involving Italian and European cities.
It is also in charge of searching for European funds for the realization of activities and initiatives of the Administration in favor of the citizenship and the territory, included the preparation and drafting of project ideas, application forms for the project submission, search for European partners, as well as in the management of the approved projects.