Concluded cooperation programs

AdriPromTour: Valorisation of Adriatic cultural and natural heritage through strengthening of visibility and tourism promotion

The AdriPromTour project "Valorization of Adriatic cultural and natural heritage through strengthening of visibility and touristic promotion" aims to develop and enhance a common cross-border identity and heritage. The valorization is based on sustainable promotion of the rich natural and cultural heritage of the border area through the development of sustainable thematic cultural routes to help distribute tourist flows over a wider geographical area.

Program: Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020

WONDER Child friendly destinations

The principal objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of destinations from the Adriatic-Ionian Region thanks to a child-friendly approach, aimed at improving the livability of cities and the touristic offer (governance, environment and services) through the development of new participatory methods.

Program: Interreg ADRION


"A resilience information platform for Adriatic cities and towns", is funded by Interreg Italy - Coratia, and aims to foster the resilience of the Adriatic regions, through the development of the knowledge bases necessary to identify possible adaptation actions to climate change, allowing local authorities to respond and implement actions to raise resilience in urban and coastal contexts.

The project has a duration of 24 months and a total budget of € 2,223,870.00. The budget of the Municipality of Cervia, as a partner, is € 200,380.00

Program: Cross-border cooperation Programme Interreg Italy-Croatia

Arca Adriatica

The project ARCA ADRIATICA is funded under the European Territorial Cooperation program Italy Croatia 2014-2020 in the priority axis “Environment and cultural Heritage” specific target 3.1 “Transforming the cultural and environmental heritage in a lever for sustainable and balanced  development of territories”.

TThe Arca Adriatica project has as its priority objective protection, promotion and tourist enhancement of the Adricatica Maritime Heritage.

The project is carried out by a partnership with 10 partners, has a duration of 30 month and a total budget of 3.168.790,00 €. The budget of the Municipality of Cervia is 325.855,00.

Program: Interreg Italy Croatia

LIFE: Imparare ad innovare con le famiglie

The general objective of the project is to develop new skills, capacities, products and training methodologies to allow social workers and other professionals to adopt innovative tools and approaches in dealing with families who are experiencing complex and multiple difficulties.

Program: Erasmus+ Program - KA2 - Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training

Flow4YU – Rete di dialogo tra giovani e pubbliche instituzioni

The project established a thematic and long-term cooperation among cities, in the field of youth policies and, particularly, it improved the relationship and communication between young people and public authorities at local and European level.

Program: Europe for Citizens

Adriatico Sociale

The project promoted the cooperation between the Adriatic public administrations in the personal services sector, in order to promote social integration and to build similar models of planning, management and evaluation of services and social interventions.

Program: New Program for Adriatic Proximity - INTERREG CARDS-PHARE

BICY – Cities and Regions of bicycles

The project, whose the Province of Ravenna is partner, promoted sustainable mobility and the definition of strategies and common actions for the promotion / development of bicycle mobility and train – bicycle internality.

Program: Territorial Cooperation Programme CENTRAL EUROPE

IK-TWIN - Le competenze interculturali per la promozione della cooperazione economica e della formazione

IK-TWIN Intercultural competences for the promotion of economic cooperation and training: new paths through town twinning. The project established a thematic and long-term cooperation between cities, in the context of intercultural cooperation supporting the improvement of the skills of both public employees, citizens and operators.

Program: Europe for Citizens

INFIORE - Città fiorite dell'Adriatico

The general objective is to promote socio-economic development and cooperation among the countries of the Adriatic area, as well as being an instrument that more than any other can contribute to the formation of a large region and the Adriatic community.
The INFIORE project has developed on the theme of the enhancement of public green spaces.

Program: Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE

Life Marinaplan Plus

Reliable and innovative technology for the realization of a sustainable MARINe And coastal seabed management PLAN

Program: European Union's LIFE Programme 2014-2020


Mobility in elderly care.

Program: Education & Culture – Erasmus + Programme


Eco-sustainable valorization of the salt pans between Italy and Slovenia.

Program: Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020


Enhancing volunteering actions and quality in Europe project (EVOLAQ)


Program: Education & Culture – Europe for Citizens Programme


Preservation and RECOVERY of immaterial CULTUral heritage of Central Europe through Ecomuseums, as driver of local growth. Programma Interreg Central Europe – S.O. To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources.

Program: Interreg Central Europe