IK-TWIN - Le competenze interculturali per la promozione della cooperazione economica e della formazione

The project established a thematic and long-term cooperation between cities, in the context of intercultural cooperation supporting the improvement of the skills of both public employees, citizens and operators.

The project is addressed in particular towards the following target groups:
- young people and students
- schools and teachers, including universities for adults
- economic and social operators

The objective fostered cultural integration, both at local and European level, promoting the emergence of future opportunities of collaboration, stimulating young people and citizens to the values of integration and understanding, verifying new possibilities for cooperation starting from twinning between cities.

Leading body name

Comune di Aalen (Germania)


Comune di St-Lo (FR)

Comune di St-Ghislen (BE)

Comune di Christchurch (UK)

Comune di Tatabanya (HR)

Comune di Vyskov (Rep. Ceca)

Comune di Bedzin (PL)


Febbraio 2013 – Ottobre 2013 (9 mesi)

Candidate year



Istruzione e Cultura


Europe for Citizens