The project intervenes in the port between the intersection of Via N. Sauro-Volturno and Lungomare D'Annunzio, in the Borgo Marina district. It is part of an overall renovation of the Borgo Marina, which began in February 2017 with the start of the works on a first section (part of via N.Sauro between via Bonaldo and Volturno), and of which it is the continuation .
The project has the main objective of improving the fishing area of Cervia from an infrastructural point of view, solving the existing environmental, safety and functional problems.

It foresees the folowing interventions:

  • Modernization and expansion of the pier of the Porto Canale for a total of approximately 290 meters (590 feet). The quay will be widened throughout the first section between the intersection of Via Sauro - Via Volturno;
  • Demolition of the existing protective wall, in an evident state of deterioration, realization of a new protective wall along the entire quay and preparation of removable anti-flood barriers;
  • Construction for the entire section of intervention along the quay of a new LED lighting system with better energy efficiency than the existing one. This system will ensure adequate lighting both of the canal-side quay mainly used by fishermen, and of the sidewalk inside the anti-flood protection wall.
  • Construction of 2 stands for the separate collection of waste and marine waste deriving from fishing activities, one near the fish market and one in the lighthouse area.
  • Installation along the quay of n. 3 consumption columns with multiple water and electric outlets for fishermen, including the relative wiring in terms of dedicated water and power networks


18 mesi

Project budget

646.458,22 (100% contributo FEAMP)

Candidate year


Link project