UPREST - UP & REskilling Sustainable Tourism in a new digital era

UPREST - UP & REskilling Sustainable Tourism in a new digital era

UPREST is a project approved under the Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2021-2027 (Key Action 2 for cooperation partnerships on vocational training for adults).

The overall objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of individuals in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, as well as to the promotion of innovation and the strengthening of European identity and active citizenship.

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and its devastating effects on the European tourism sector in general, it is crucial to adopt appropriate policies and measures at the local level across Europe to foster the competitiveness of the tourism industry and meet the needs and expectations of future visitors. Digital experiences and sustainability are key issues for many tourists today when deciding which cities and countries they want to visit, so these issues are considered to have great potential for development in the local ecosystems of their partners.

To exploit this potential, it is necessary that local officials together with tourism organisations and professionals pursue professional development through continuous and innovative education and training.


Main activities

The main objective towards which the project's activities will be directed is to increase the digital skills of actors in the field of sustainable tourism while promoting new learning paths to contribute to the recovery of the sector.

To this end, specific objectives have been identified:

  • Identify skills gaps of local economic actors and develop suitable training solutions;

  • Develop scalable training solutions for tourism operators, linked to new digital solutions to be applied locally;

  • Improve cooperation between the local authority and economic actors by developing a learning ecosystem focused on sustainable tourism.

Among the main activities foreseen are:

  • the creation of a map of local training needs in the tourism sector;

  • the development of an ad hoc training package;

  • the development of guidelines for sustainable tourism.

These outputs will be developed through activities involving tourism sector stakeholders, discussion, training and information activities, seminars, and peer review.

Leading body name

Comune di Vanesborg


Comune di Cervia (IT)

Kvarner Region Tourism Board (HR)




Comune di Ravenna (IT)

Comune di Trollhättan (SE)

DELTA 2000 (IT)


30 mesi (1/01/2022 - 31/07/2024)

Project budget

€ 281.806,00

Candidate year



Link project