ABCD Cervia - semplicemente Arte, Benessere, Cibo al Darsena

The project includes the re-functionalization of the Warehouse Darsena, one of the main testimonies of industrial archeology, an expression of the identity of Cervia, linked to the production of salt. It proposes an innovative reinterpretation of the culture of wellness, which has its roots in the '30s with the first spa and healing activities related to salt pans, to evolve over time along with the well-being linked to heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, as well as relaxation related to the use of the environmental heritage, and to healthy eating. We speak of 360 ° wellness, in an innovative key, able to respond to the needs of both the citizen and the temporary citizen, in search of places able to express and transmit the authenticity of the territory, through new unconventional languages.
Thus a plurality of activities will find a place inside the Warehouse Darsena in separate areas but at the same time connected and integrated so that the new regenerated space can express the history of the place and the city, where the concept of well-being will be inclined in terms of food and typical products, a place of aggregation and socialization, of physical  and emotional well-being, thanks to the spaces dedicated to music relax.

Project budget

c.a. 4,8 MIL €

Candidate year



The project was approved under the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ORP ERDF 2014-2020 and subsequently financed with resources from the Fund for development and cohesion FSC 2014-2020. Axis 5 - Action 6.7.1