AdriPromTour: Valorisation of Adriatic cultural and natural heritage through strengthening of visibility and tourism promotion

ADRIPROMTOUR: Valorisation of Adriatic cultural and natural heritage through strengthening of visibility and tourism promotion.

AdriPromTour is a project approved under the Interreg Italy-Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 (Priority Axis 3 - Environment and Cultural Heritage - Specific Objective 3.1 - Making natural and cultural heritage a lever for sustainable and more balanced territorial development).

The objective of the project is expressed in the enhancement of the rich natural and cultural heritage of the cross-border area in question through the development of thematic cultural itineraries in order to contribute to the distribution of tourist flows in a wider geographical area.

Through the promotion of new forms of experimental tourism, tourists will be encouraged to actively participate in the enhancement of the cultures of local communities. Therefore, in order to develop a common cross-border identity and heritage, the Adriatic area will become a unique tourism area that will connect content and promote cross-border economic, social and cultural exchanges.

Main activities

The AdriPromTour project includes each segment of CLUSTER #3.

1. PROMOTION - promotion of common cross-border identity and heritage through awareness events, videos, digital campaigns and press conferences.

Through a robust promotional campaign of the results of the Standard+ and Standard projects,the AdriPromTour project will increase tourists' awareness and interest in participating in new forms of experimental tourism. 

2. INNOVATIVE AND ADVANCED SOLUTIONS - Through the organization of study tours, awareness-raising events and the implementation of a virtual reality platform for each project, thematic cultural itineraries will be implemented to enable the active participation of visitors in the cultures of different local communities in order also to address the phenomenon of mass tourism and seasonality of tourism. With this in mind, the development of thematic cultural itineraries will encourage new economic activities and improve the quality of life of local people.

3. CONTRIBUTING TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF TOURIST FLOWS - Developing sustainable thematic cultural routes and encouraging visitors to actively participate in local cultures and local communities will contribute significantly to preventing the seasonality of tourism and promote local cultural offerings on a higher level, expanding over a wider geographical area.

Leading body name

Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (HR)


Polytechnic University of Marche (IT)

Municipality of Cervia (IT)

Municipality of Cesenatico (IT)

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (HR)

City of Kaštela (HR)

Europe Point of Teramo Consortium (IT)

Šibenik-Knin county (HR)


13 mesi (01/06/2022-30/06/2023)

Project budget

590.000,00 euro

Candidate year



Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020

Link project