Ammodernamento e riqualificazione dell’area portuale prospiciente via Nazario Sauro e via C. Colombo e sottoservizi annessi

The project foresees the modernization and refurbishment of the port area overlooking Nazario Sauro and C. Colombo streets, and related underground services, for an area of approximately 1800 square meters, a place where the loading and unloading of fish products takes place. In order to revitalize its attractiveness, improve its accessibility and innovate its systems, necessary for fishing activities, the following interventions are carried out:
- refurbishment of the square through the reconstruction of the flooring and the construction of pits prepared for the placement of functional scales for fishing activities;
- modernization of underground services consisting in the construction of: sewage works, electrical systems, public lighting systems, fire prevention system;
- improvement of the accessibility of the site through the rehabilitation of the quay and the construction of a storm protection wall with access gates, equipped with a system of removable bulkheads, in order to ensure at the same time accessibility to fishermen and protection of the environment against disasters.


11 mesi

Project budget

€ 273.610,83

Candidate year



OP EMFF 201-2020 – LDS FLAG COSTA DELL’EMILIA-ROMAGNA – Action 1.B “Interventions to qualify embarkation and disembarkation places” – Reg. (UE) 1303/2013 and 508/2014