Rifunzionalizzazione a centro polifunzionale di servizi del Magazzino del Sale Torre: risanamento conservativo per rifacimento manto di copertura e adeguamento impiantistico

Refurbishment of the Magazzino del Sale Torre as  multi-purpose service center: conservative renovation for the reconstruction of the roof and adaptation of the cooling-heating systems

The project is funded under Ordinary Action “Structures for public services” of the Action Plan of the Leader Local Development Strategy 2014-2020. It envisages the refurbishment of the Magazzino del Sale Torre as a multifunctional service center.

In particular, conservative rehabilitation of the property is planned for thereconstruction of the roof and adaptation of the cooling-heating systems, aimed at increasing the potential for use of the property itself:

- Activation of a new permanent photographic exhibition of the city and upgrade of MUSA Salt Museum;

- Creation of an attractive pole open all year round in coherence with the  Strategic Tourism Development Plan;

- Creation of a physical space for the participatory processes of the Municipality of Cervia that supports the European cooperation projects that place the city as a leader in the management models of ecomuseums;


18 mesi

Project budget

€ 550.496,01 (di cui 300.000 FEASR)

Candidate year



Link project